Hannah Wilson

SENIOR WRITER & tea addict

There’s always something new to learn.

What I do at Creative

I write copy and drink all the tea.

The best thing about my job

The variety, for sure. There’s always something new to learn.

Career highlight

The travels, the positive impacts, the friendships, the fun - there are too many highlights to list.

Favourite ad of all time

Anything that makes me laugh gets my vote. ‘Never Say No to Panda’ and ‘Top Bombing’ are two of my faves.

I barrack for

England, and Pluto reclaiming its planetary status.

Dream holiday destination

Israel, Russia, Japan and then back to England for a restful cup of Yorkshire Tea.

To relax I like to

Sing along (badly) to musicals, go for brunch, or just head outside for a good walk.