Steph Vitalich
creative & tap dancER
“The best thing about my job is helping clients bring their ideas to life.”
What I do at Creative
Solve design problems and being creative!
The best thing about my job
Working with a wonderful group of people and helping clients bring their ideas to life on a variety of different projects.
Career highlight
Getting my first job at an ad agency and my time freelancing.
Favourite ad of all time
Do I have to pick just one? I still love the Carlton Draught ‘Big Ad’ using the Classical piece O Fortuna. Air New Zealand’s ‘A Very Merry Mistake’ and Amazon’s #BeforeAlexa.
I barrack for
Vegemite and Apple (they’ve done a good job at brainwashing me).
Dream holiday destination
This list is long so hard to choose just one, but I’d have to say Slovenia and Norway.
To relax I like to
Dance, read til all hours, spend time with my family and brunch dates.